Theme: Discovering patterns and textures
Bible Story: Joseph and his colourful coat
Value: Forgiveness
Joseph and his colourful coat
Joseph was a young man who had 11 brothers. His father, Jacob, loved Joseph very much and gave him a beautiful, colourful coat. It was the most special coat anyone had ever seen! Joseph’s brothers saw him wearing the coat and felt very jealous. They didn’t like that their father loved Joseph more.
One day, the brothers came up with a mean plan. They took Joseph’s coat and sold him to travellers who were on their way to a country called Egypt. Joseph felt sad and scared, but he trusted God. In Egypt, Joseph worked hard and became a great helper to the king.
Many years later, there was no food, and Joseph’s brothers had to visit Egypt to ask for help. They didn’t know that Joseph was now an important man who could help them. When they saw him, they were afraid. But Joseph smiled and said, “Don’t be afraid. I forgive you.”
Joseph showed love to his brothers even though they had been unkind to him. He knew God wanted him to forgive. Joseph’s heart was happy because he chose to forgive, and his family was together again.
(Genesis 37-45)
- Opening
What are some of your favourite colours? Can you show any of these colours around you?
Today we will learn about Joseph who had a beautiful coat of many colours. Let’s read the Bible story.
- Discovery
Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?
Yes, we talked about Joseph and his colourful coat. Let’s read the Bible story again.
What is your favourite part of the story?
Can you name some of the colours and shapes you see in the picture?
- Retell
Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story.)
Why didn’t Joseph’s brothers like him?
How did Joseph feel when his brothers were mean to him?
How do you feel when someone is mean to you?
- Value
This week we were talking about how Joseph’s brothers did something really bad. Joseph’s brothers did really mean things to him, and that made him feel sad.
But when Joseph forgave his brothers, it made his heart happy, because they could be a loving family again. Instead of doing something mean back to someone, we can always choose to forgive them.
What will you do the next time someone is mean to you?
- Activity
In our story this week we learned that Joseph forgave his brothers after they were really mean to him. Now, let’s make our own colourful coats just like the one Joseph had!
(Provide each child with a piece of paper that you have cut out to look like a coat. Give the children crayons, paint, stickers or different coloured paper to decorate their own beautiful coat.)