Inceba Trust prepares
children in body, mind
and soul for a future filled
with hope, courage and

Inceba Trust
prepares children
in body, mind and soul for
a future filled with hope,
courage and confidence.
about us
INCEBA TRUST is an organisation on a mission to prepare children in body, mind and soul to ensure that they face their future with confidence and courage.
The first six years of a child’s life form the foundation for their learning-readiness going forward. We create a holistic foundation for children to thrive, so they are learning-ready when they hit the school benches in Grade R. To achieve this, Inceba Trust and our network of partners support Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres, parents and communities in the following areas of South Africa:
WESTERN CAPE: Franschhoek, Groenheuwel, Kayamandi, Klapmuts, Mbekweni, Melkbosstrand, Paarl, Wellington and Worcester.
NORTHERN CAPE: Ritchie (Kimberley).
what we do
We look at learning-readiness holistically. During children’s early lives, they are shaped by three main role-players: their home, their Early Childhood Development (ECD) centre and their community. Inceba’s projects support each of these touch points to help create an environment in which children can flourish, by focusing on the body, mind and soul.

Inceba helps children thrive by supporting good health, facilitating access to nutritious meals and helping create safe learning environments.
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By training ECD teachers in high-quality early learning programmes, children can progress more smoothly to the foundation phase.
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Our spiritual and emotional health projects strengthen the bond between caregivers and children, improving overall development.
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inceba’s impact
At Inceba Trust we continuously monitor and evaluate the impact of our projects to
ensure that we reach our ultimate goal: to help facilitate environments in which children can flourish.
ECD centres