Theme: Out in space
Bible Story: God’s promise to Abram
Value: Trust in God’s promises
God’s promise to Abram
In the Bible, we learn about a man called Abram. God appeared to Abram and promised him that he would give him a great reward and many grandchildren.
But Abram was confused and couldn’t understand it, because he didn’t have any children and he was very old. How could he have many children and grandchildren if he didn’t even have one son?
God told Abram that he didn’t have to worry. God promised him that he would have a son. He took Abram outside and told him to look up at the night sky. God said, “There are so many stars that you cannot even count them. Just like the stars, you will have so many grandchildren that you won’t be able to count them.”
Abram trusted in God’s promise to him, and God was happy about Abram’s faith. God was faithful and kept His promise. When Abram was 100 years old, God gave Abram and his wife a son. Just like Abram, we can trust God’s promises, because He will always keep them.
(Genesis 15:1-6)
- Opening
Can you tell me what a promise is? Have you ever made a promise to someone? Did you keep your promise?
Let’s read about a promise that God made to a man named Abram.
- Discovery
Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?
Yes, we read about a promise that God made to Abram and how he kept his promise. Let’s read the Bible story again.
What is your favourite part of the story?
What was one thing that surprised you in the story?
- Retell
Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story.)
What promise did God make to Abram?
How many grandchildren did God promise Abram that he would have?
Did God keep His promise to Abram?
How old was Abram when God gave him a son?
- Value
This week we have been learning about how we can trust God’s promises.
Abram trusted that God would keep His promise. We can trust God’s promises too, because He will always keep them.
What can you trust God to help you with today? Let’s pray and ask God to help you with that.
- Activity
In our Bible story this week we learned that God will always keep His promises to us, just like God kept His promise to Abram. Let’s make a beautiful decoration to remind us how God promised Abram his grandchildren would be as many as the stars.
(Help the children draw, colour and cut out stars from a piece of paper. Punch a hole in the top of each star and tie a piece of string to it. Now tie each piece of string with a star to a clothes hanger and hang it up in their room or class.)