Theme: All about my people: Heritage, language and culture
Bible Story: God’s big family
Value: Love and help others
God’s big family
One of Jesus’ friends, John, wrote a Bible book called Revelation. In this book, John wrote about a special dream he had. In this special dream, John saw something wonderful. He saw a big crowd of people in heaven!
They were all gathered around God’s throne, wearing white clothes and holding palm branches. There were people from every tribe and every nation. Some had black hair, some had brown or blonde hair, some were darker, others were lighter, some had blue eyes and some had brown or green eyes. They all spoke different languages.
But even though they were so different, they were singing the same joyful songs, praising God together. Their hearts were happy because they were all part of God’s big family. In God’s family, everyone is important and loved, no matter where they come from.
God promised to take care of them forever. He would wipe away every tear from their eyes, and there would be no more sadness or pain. In heaven, they would live with God, enjoying His peace and joy.
Remember, you are part of God’s family too! You can love God and show love to everyone around you by helping others and being kind to everyone around you. Together, we can sing and praise God, just like the people in John’s dream!
(Revelation 7:9-17)
- Opening
Tell me about your family? Do you look like one another? Have you ever seen people who are from another country, or who speak a different language from yours?
In the Bible, we find out what God’s family looks like. Let’s read the Bible story.
- Discovery
Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?
Yes, we talked about God’s family. Let’s read the Bible story again.
What is your favourite part of the story?
What different types of people do you see in the picture?
What are they doing?
- Retell
Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story.)
Who can be part of God’s family?
Do they all need to look the same?
How do you think God feels about everyone in His family?
How do you think people treat one another in heaven?
- Value
This week we’ve been talking about what God’s family looks like. God made you and He loves you very much. He also has a special plan for your life! Because God made you and everyone else, you are all part of God’s family. Being part of God’s family means that we help one another and show love and kindness to everyone, no matter if they look, sound or act different from us.
How can you show love to someone who is different from you?
- Activity
In our Bible story this week God shows us what it looks like to be part of His wonderful family. Now, let’s draw our own families!
(Play cheerful gospel music and hand out paper and crayons. Ask the children to draw their own families and think about what makes their family special. As they draw, talk about how they are part of God’s family who love and help one another.)