Theme: Seasons: Autumn

Bible Story: Jesus dies for our sins

Value: Forgiveness

Jesus dies for our sins

The Bible teaches us that Jesus is the Son of God, who came to rescue us from our sin, because He loves us so much. But when Jesus was here on earth, the Jewish leaders didn’t like Him. They wanted to get rid of Him, because they didn’t like what He said.

And their plan worked. Even though Jesus never did anything wrong, soldiers arrested Him. They hung Jesus on a wooden cross and put nails through His hands and feet. While Jesus was on the cross, the soldiers and Jewish leaders made fun of Him. They said that if He really was the Son of God, He should be able to save Himself. They didn’t realise that His death was part of God’s plan to rescue us from our sin.

But even though Jesus was being treated so badly, He prayed for those hurting Him, saying, “Father, forgive them. They don’t know what they are doing.”

At the same time, two thieves were also being crucified next to Jesus. One of them made fun of Jesus. But the other man believed in Jesus and was sorry for everything he had done wrong. Before Jesus died, He said to the second man, “Today, you will be with me in heaven.” He forgave him. And because Jesus forgives us, we can forgive others too!

(Luke 23:26-43)


  1. Opening

Have you ever done something nice for someone else? Maybe you gave a friend a hug? Or shared something with your brother or sister?

Today, we will hear about how Jesus did something amazing for us! Jesus took the punishment for our sins, so that we can be forgiven. Let’s read the Bible story.


  1. Discovery

Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?

Yes, we talked about how God made a plan for us to be forgiven! Let’s read the story again.

What is your favourite part of the story?

What was one thing that surprised you in the story?

Who do you see in the picture?


  1. Retell

Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story).

The soldiers really hurt Jesus. Where did they put him to die?

Why did Jesus have to die?

What did Jesus promise the man on the cross who was sorry?

What does Jesus promise you and me if we believe in Him?


  1. Value

This week we’ve been talking about how Jesus died on the cross. God loved us so much that He sent His only Son, Jesus, to die on the cross so that we can be forgiven for our sins. Isn’t it amazing that just like the man next to Jesus was forgiven, you can be forgiven too! Because Jesus forgives us, we can forgive those around us. It’s not always easy, but we must try.

What are some of the things that you can forgive your friends for?


  1. Activity

In our Bible story this week we learned that Jesus died on the cross so that we can be forgiven for our sins. Today, we are going to all make a cross to remind us of that!

(Take two little sticks and help the children to tie them together with some string or cello tape to make a cross. You can use any sticks you can find. Talk about how the cross reminds us that Jesus died on the cross, so that our sins can be forgiven.)