Theme: Discovering the world of numbers
Bible Story: Two fish and five loaves
Value: Trust in God’s provision
Two fish and five loaves
One day, Jesus was talking to a big crowd of people by the lake. Everyone was excited to hear Him speak! They listened all day, and soon it was dinner time. But there was a problem: everyone was hungry, and there wasn’t any food.
Then, a little boy came up to Jesus with his lunch. He had just five small loaves of bread and two tiny fish. It wasn’t a lot of food, but he wanted to share it.
Jesus smiled and took the boy’s gift. He prayed, thanking God for the food. Then, something amazing happened! As Jesus and His friends began to share the bread and fish, the food kept coming! Everyone had enough to eat. There were thousands of people, and no one was left hungry.
When everyone was full, Jesus’ friends gathered the leftovers. They collected 12 big baskets of food! All from the little boy’s two fish and five loaves of bread.
Jesus showed everyone that God can do amazing things. God can turn small things into big blessings when we trust in His provision!
(Matthew 14:13-21)
- Opening
Tell me about a time when you felt hungry? Did your tummy growl? What’s your favourite food to share with friends?
Today we will learn about a very special meal. Let’s read the Bible story.
- Discovery
Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?
Yes, we talked about how Jesus fed thousands of people from just a little boy’s lunchbox. Let’s read the Bible story again.
What is your favourite part of the story?
Can you show me the fish in the picture? Let’s count them.
Now, let’s count the loaves of bread.
- Retell
Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story.)
What did Jesus do before He started handing out the food?
How do you think the people felt when they were hungry and didn’t know what to do?
Have you ever felt that way?
- Value
This week we’ve been talking about how Jesus did an amazing thing. He provided food for thousands of hungry people, from just two little fish and five loaves of bread. Just like the people in our story, sometimes we also feel worried or scared. When you feel that way, you can always ask God to help you. God loves you. He will always be there to help you and provide everything you need.
Is there anything that you need help with? Let’s pray and ask God to help you.
- Activity
In our Bible story this week, Jesus turned two fish and five loaves of bread into food for thousands of people. God showed us that we can always trust in Him to provide for us. Now, let’s have our own picnic!
(Have a picnic with pieces of bread and anything that is shaped like a fish, for example fish-shaped marshmallows, crackers, etc. Pray and thank God for the food. Break the bread into pieces and share the food among the children. Talk about how God provides for us every day.)