Theme: Everybody is welcome, everybody is included

Bible Story: The man at the pool

Value: Trust in God’s healing

Two fish and five loaves

One day, Jesus went to a special pool called Bethesda. Many people who were sick or blind were lying there. Also people who were crippled. This means that they couldn’t walk. All the people believed that when the water moved, they would be healed.

There was a man who couldn’t walk for 38 years! That’s a long time! He was lying by the pool, hoping to be healed, but no one helped him into the water when it moved.

When Jesus saw the man, he knew the man had been sick for a long time. Jesus asked him, “Do you want to be healed?” The man said, “Yes, but I can’t get into the pool. No one helps me and someone always gets in before me.”

Jesus smiled and said, “Stand up! Pick up your mat and walk!” The man trusted Jesus. He didn’t need the pool. He believed that Jesus could heal him. And right away, the man stood up, picked up his mat and started walking.

He was so happy! He walked all around, showing everyone what Jesus had done for him. Jesus had healed him, because he trusted in God’s healing power.

(John 5:1-15)


  1. Opening

Let’s stand up! Show me your legs. Now jump up and down, and dance all around! We are so lucky that our bodies can do all of that. Did you know that there are some people who can’t walk or jump or dance?

Today we will read in the Bible about a man who couldn’t walk. Let’s read the Bible story.


  1. Discovery

Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?

Yes, we talked about how Jesus healed the man who couldn’t walk. Let’s read the Bible story again.

What is your favourite part of the story?

Who do you see in the picture?


  1. Retell

Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story.)

How do you think the man felt when he could walk?

When do you feel like that?

Who helped the man who couldn’t walk?


  1. Value

This week we’ve been talking about how Jesus healed the crippled man who couldn’t walk. God loves us and He made us, which means that He can heal our bodies. And He wants to help us too! But there is something important that we need to do. Just like the man in our story, we need to trust that God can help us and heal us when we are sick or hurt.

Are you feeling hurt, worried or sick? Let’s pray and ask God to help you.


  1. Activity

In our Bible story this week we learned that we can always trust God to help us, just like the crippled man trusted Jesus to heal him. Now, let’s pretend that we are healed just like the man in our story.

(Lay a soft blanket on the floor. Have the children take turns sitting on the blanket, pretending to be the man who couldn’t walk. When you say, “Jesus says, ‘Get up and walk!’” let the child jump up and do a special dance of joy.)