Theme: Seasons: Winter

Bible Story: Jesus calms the storm

Value: Trust in God’s protection

Jesus calms the storm

One night, Jesus called His disciples to get into a boat with Him. They were all going to cross a big lake. So they got into the boat with Jesus.

A very strong wind started blowing and the waves began to smack against the boat. There was a big storm! The waves were big and scary, and the boat was filled with water.

But Jesus was at the back of the boat, fast asleep. His disciples were very scared. They went to wake Jesus up and said to Him, “Jesus, don’t you care if we drown?”

Jesus stood up and commanded the wind and the waves to stop. He said, “Quiet! Be still!” And the storm stopped. Then Jesus asked his disciples, “Why are you so afraid? Where is your faith?”

His disciples were amazed because Jesus calmed the storm. All of them knew that He was very special. Surely, Jesus is the Son of God. He is the only one that could make the waves and wind listen to Him.

(Mark 4:35-41)


  1. Opening

Have you ever seen a big storm? Were you scared when you heard the wind and rain?

Today we will hear about how Jesus calmed a very big storm, just by telling it to stop! Let’s read the Bible story.


  1. Discovery

Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?

Yes, we read about a big storm and how Jesus calmed the storm by commanding it to stop. Let’s read the Bible story again.

What is your favourite part of the story?

What was one thing that surprised you in the story?

Which one of these men is Jesus?


  1. Retell

Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story.)

While Jesus was sleeping in the boat, what was happening all around Him?

How did the disciples feel when they saw the big storm?

When do you feel scared?

What did Jesus do when His disciples woke Him up?


  1. Value

This week we have been learning about how we can trust Jesus. Just like the disciples, we can trust God to protect us, because He is powerful over all things. Even the wind and the waves listen to Him! God made you, He loves you and He wants to help and protect you.

Are you feeling worried or scared about something? Let’s pray and ask God to help you.


  1. Activity

Even when we are scared, we can trust Jesus, because He is powerful over everything. Today, we will play a game to remember our story.

(Let the children act out the Bible story. Choose one child to play the part of Jesus. Everyone must dance around and pretend they are big waves or gushes of wind. When the leader shouts, “Stop!” everyone must freeze and no-one is allowed to move. If you move, you are out for that round. The last person in the game gets to be the leader in the next round.)