Theme: Domestic animals
Bible story: Adam and Eve’s big task
Value: Be a good steward
Adam and Eve’s big task
Many years ago, God made the world. He made the sky, the trees, the animals and even the fish in the sea! Then, God made two special people named Adam and Eve. God loved them very much.
God gave Adam and Eve a big, important task. He told them, “The earth is your home, and I trust you to take care of it. Look after the animals, the plants and everything I made.” Adam and Eve were so happy! They walked through the garden and saw all the beautiful things God had made. The birds sang, the wolves howled and the zebras ran happily through the fields.
Adam named the animals and Eve watered the plants. They worked together, taking care of God’s wonderful creation.
God was happy because Adam and Eve were being good stewards. That means they took care of everything God gave them. Adam and Eve were happy because they knew they were honouring God by taking care of His beautiful world.
(Genesis 1:27-30; 2:18-20)
- Opening
Do you have any pets at home? What pet would you like to have one day? What would you name your favourite animal?
Today we will learn about the first people, and a very important job they had to do. Let’s read the Bible story.
- Discovery
Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?
Yes, we talked about how God gave Adam and Eve an important task. Let’s read the story again.
What is your favourite part of the story?
What animals do you see in the picture?
What sounds do they make?
- Retell
Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story).
How did Adam and Eve feel when they saw the animals for the first time?
When do you feel excited?
- Value
This week we’ve been talking how God gave us a wonderful world to live in. But He also wants us to take care of it. Being a good steward means taking care of the things that God has given us.
Why is it important to take care of the things around us?
What can you do to be a good steward of the things that God has given you?
- Activity
In our Bible story this week Adam and Eve were good stewards by looking after the animals and plants that God has given them. Today, we are going to make our own pets, and name them just like Adam and Eve did!
(Help each child to blow up a balloon and draw a cat or dog face on it. Tie a string to the end as though their “pet” is on a leash. Encourage them to give their pet a name and talk about how they would take care of their new pet.)