Theme: My body: Using my senses to move and balance
Bible Story: The man who couldn’t walk
Value: Trust in God’s healing
The man who couldn’t walk
Many years ago, in a little town, there was a man who couldn’t walk. His legs wouldn’t move and he felt sad because he couldn’t run around with his friends.
His friends heard about Jesus, a man who could do amazing things. They believed that Jesus could help their friend walk again. So they carried him to the house where Jesus was busy telling people about God.
But when they got there, the house was so crowded that they couldn’t get in! The man’s friends didn’t give up. They climbed up to the roof, made a hole and lowered their friend down to where Jesus was.
Jesus saw the man and his friends and He smiled. He could feel the trust and faith in their hearts. Jesus said to the man, “Your sins are forgiven. Stand up and walk!”
And, just like that, the man felt his legs becoming strong again. He jumped up, picked up his mat, and went home, while praising God! All the people were filled with wonder and praised God, including his friends. They said, “Today we have seen amazing things!”
(Luke 5:17-26)
- Opening
What can you do with your body? Let’s jump, run on the spot and dance!
Today we will hear about a man who couldn’t walk or do any of these things. Let’s read the Bible story.
- Discovery
Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?
Yes, we talked about the man who couldn’t walk! Let’s read the story again.
What is your favourite part of the story?
Who do you see in the picture?
- Retell
Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story).
Why did the man’s friends take him to Jesus?
How do you think the man felt after Jesus healed him?
Have you ever needed help, like the man who couldn’t walk?
What happened then?
- Value
This week we’ve been talking about how Jesus healed the man who couldn’t walk. The man could walk again because Jesus healed him with His wonderful power, and because his friends trusted Jesus to heal him. God made you, which means that He has the power to heal you. And because He loves you, He really wants to help you too. When we trust God, wonderful things happen.
Do you feel hurt, sick, worried or sad? Let’s pray and ask God to help you.
- Activity
The man who couldn’t walk had amazing friends. They trusted that Jesus could heal their friend. Let’s see if you can trust your friends too!
(Take a blanket and, in pairs, let the children carry a stuffed animal or toy on the blanket across the room, mimicking how the friends helped the paralysed man. Talk about how much the man’s friends cared about him and trusted Jesus to heal him.)