Theme: Playing with shapes
Bible Story: A bright star leads the way
Value: Follow God’s guidance
A bright star leads the way
Many years ago, in a land to the east, there were three wise men who studied the stars. One night, they saw a very bright star shining in the sky.
They knew this special star meant a King had been born, as God had promised many years before that. They decided to follow the star to find Him. They packed their camels and set off on a long journey.
The star led them all the way to the town of Bethlehem. When they arrived, they found Mary and Joseph with baby Jesus, the Son of God. Jesus was born to bring love and hope to everyone. They knew this baby was the most precious gift that God would ever give to the world. The wise men were so happy! They bowed down and worshipped Him. They also gave Jesus wonderful gifts.
King Herod asked the wise men to come and tell him where Jesus was, because he wanted to hurt Jesus. But God spoke to the wise men in a dream and told them not to go back to the nasty king Herod. They listened to God’s guidance and went home by a different road, so that Jesus could be safe.
(Matthew 2:1-12)
- Opening
Have you ever looked up at the night sky and seen the bright stars? What do they look like?
Today we will talk about an important star that led people right to baby Jesus. Let’s read the story.
- Discovery
Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?
Yes, we talked about the bright star that guided the wise men. Let’s read the story again.
What is your favourite part of the story?
What colours do you see in the picture?
What shapes do you see? Let’s count the wise men!
- Retell
Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story).
How did the wise men feel when they saw Jesus?
When do you feel happy or excited?
What would have happened if the wise men didn’t follow the star?
- Value
This week we’ve been talking about how the bright star guided the wise men to Jesus. The wise men showed that when we follow God’s guidance and do what is right, we can find great joy. God always knows what’s best for us. You also have parents and teachers who guide and teach you to always do the right thing.
What are some of the things your parents or teachers ask you to do?
Will you listen to them next time?
- Activity
The bright star showed the wise men the right way they should walk to reach Jesus. Every day we have the choice to be obedient and do what our parents and teachers ask us to do. Now let’s see if you can follow my guidance!
(Play the “Simon says” game. Give them instructions, starting with “Simon says”. If you say “Simon says touch your nose”, then everyone should touch their nose. But if you say “jump” without starting with “Simon says”, the children must not jump. If they do jump, they are out of the game.)