Theme: Welcome
Bible Story: The potter and the clay
Value: Follow God’s guidance
The potter and the clay
Many years ago, there lived a prophet called Jeremiah. God would give messages to Jeremiah, and Jeremiah would give the messages to the people.
One day God told Jeremiah to go to a potter’s house. The potter was busy making a pot out of clay, but something went wrong and the pot was a flop. So the potter scrunched up the wet clay and tried to make a new pot. He would press and form the clay with his hands until the pot was perfect, just like he wanted it to be.
God told Jeremiah, “My children are like wet clay in my hands. If they let me, I can make something wonderful out of them, even if they feel broken or not perfect.”
God also warned Jeremiah. Sometimes we want to do our own thing, instead of allowing God to change us to be more like Him. But God made all of us and knows what is best for us. God’s message to Jeremiah was that we should always trust Him and allow Him to make us the way He wants us to be.
(Jeremiah 18:1-17)
- Opening
(Hand out a piece of clay or playdough) What is this you have in your hand? What can you make with it?
Long ago people used clay to make things like pots that they could eat their food in. God once used clay to teach us something very important. Let’s read the Bible story.
- Discovery
Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?
Yes, we talked about the potter and the clay. Let’s read the story again.
What is your favourite part of the story?
How do you think the potter felt as he was making the pot?
- Retell
Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story).
What do you like to make with clay?
Is it easier to work with soft clay or hard clay?
Can you name someone who teaches you the right thing to do?
Do you always listen to them?
- Value
This week we’ve been talking about how God wants to change us to be more like Him, just like a potter changes clay.
God loves you and wants to guide you so that He can use you in His special plan, just like the potter shaped the clay into something he can use. God has also given you parents and teachers to guide you to do the right thing. But when we don’t listen to them, we are like the hard clay that God can’t use.
Will you be hard clay or soft clay in God’s hands?
- Activity
In our Bible story this week, we learned how God wants to change us to be better people. He also uses our teachers and parents to guide us to do the right thing. Now it’s your turn to be a potter and make something beautiful with clay.
(Hand out a piece of playdough or clay to every child and let them make anything they want. As they are shaping the clay, talk about how God shapes them through the guidance of teachers and parents.)