Theme: My friends

Bible Story: David and Jonathan

Value: Love and help others

David and Jonathan

In the Bible we learn about a young man called David. He was very brave and he loved God.

David had a special friend, Prince Jonathan. They were best friends! Jonathan gave David his own robe, sword and bow as a sign of his friendship. “These are special to me, and I want you to have them,” Jonathan said. David felt happy and loved.

Now, Jonathan’s father, King Saul, didn’t like David very much. He was jealous because everyone liked David more than they liked him. King Saul wanted to hurt David.

Jonathan wanted to protect his friend David. He warned David whenever King Saul was angry. He would say, “Go hide in a safe place. I will let you know when it’s safe to come out.” David trusted Jonathan, and they always helped each other.

Jonathan and David loved each other just like God wants us to love our friends. They were always kind and took care of each other.

(1 Samuel 18-20)


  1. Opening

Can you name some of your friends? What makes them good friends?

Today we will read about two very special friends. Let’s read the Bible story.


  1. Discovery

Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?

Yes, we talked about two very special friends. Let’s read the Bible story again.

What is your favourite part of the story?

Which one in the picture is David?

And which one is Jonathan?


  1. Retell

Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story.)

What did Jonathan give to David as a gift?

What did Jonathan do when King Saul wanted to hurt David?

How do you feel when friends are kind to you and help you?


  1. Value

This week we’ve been talking about the special friendship between David and Jonathan.

A good friend is someone who loves and helps, just like Jonathan and David did. To have a good friend, you need to be a good friend! A good friend will share a toy or give someone a hug when they feel sad.

What can you do to be a good friend?


  1. Activity

In our Bible story this week we learned from David and Jonathan what it means to be a good friend. Good friends help and love one another. Now, let’s make a friendship tree!

(Take a large piece of paper, draw the outline of a tree trunk and branches and write “Friendship Tree” at the top or bottom. Help the children to paint their hands in different colours and place their handprint on the tree. Then write each child’s name next to their handprint and put the poster up in class.)