Theme: My Senses: Taste and smell
Bible Story: Manna and quails
Value: Trust in God’s provision
Manna and quails
In the desert, God’s people, the Israelites, were on a long journey. They walked and walked, but soon, their tummies were rumbling with hunger. The people got worried and said to Moses, “We’re so hungry!” But Moses knew that God cared for them.
God spoke to Moses, saying, “Tell my people I will give them food. They need to trust me.” That evening, the sky filled with birds called quails. The birds landed everywhere, and the people could have a wonderful meal.
The next morning when they woke up, they saw something amazing covering the whole ground. It was white and flaky, like snow. “What is it?” the people asked. Moses smiled and said, “This is the bread God has given us. It’s called manna. Take only what you need for today and trust God for tomorrow.”
Day after day, God provided manna in the morning and quails at night. The Israelites learned that God would always take care of them. They knew they could trust God to provide everything they needed.
(Exodus 16:1-36)
- Opening
What’s your favourite food to eat? What if every morning you could open the front door, walk outside and find your favourite food all over your yard? As much as you could eat! That would be awesome!
Today we will learn about a time when something almost exactly like that happened. Let’s read the Bible story.
- Discovery
Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?
Yes, we talked about how God sent food to the Israelites to eat in the desert. Let’s read the story again.
What is your favourite part of the story?
What is the girl gathering in her basket?
How do you think the manna tasted?
How many birds did the boy catch?
- Retell
Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story).
What food did God give to the Israelites to eat?
How to you think they felt when they didn’t have anything to eat?
When do you feel that way?
- Value
This week we’ve been talking about how God provided manna and quails for the Israelites to eat when they were in the desert and hungry.
The Israelites were worried, but they knew that they could trust God to provide for them – and He did! Remember that God made you and He loves you. He is always ready to help you. You can trust Him to provide everything you need, every day. All you need to do is ask.
Is there something you feel worried about today? Let’s pray and ask God to help you.
- Activity
In our Bible story this week we learned that we can always trust that God will provide for us. Now, let’s pretend that we are the Israelites eating manna!
(Lay a plastic tablecloth on the floor and sprinkle popcorn all over it. Give every child a container/bag. Explain that the manna might have looked like popcorn. The Israelites had to pick it up from the ground and put it in containers for every family to eat. Now let them fill their container/bag with popcorn and eat it together. Pray and thank God for His provision.)