Theme: All about me
Value: Love and help others
A special plan
Little Themba sat with his father under a big, shady tree. They loved to talk under the tree’s strong branches, watching the birds and listening to the leaves dance in the breeze.
“Daddy,” Themba asked, looking up, “did God make this big tree?”
“Yes, Themba,” his father answered with a smile. “God made this tree – and the birds, the flowers, and even you!”
Themba’s eyes grew wide. “God made ME?” he asked. “That’s right,” his father said, giving Themba a gentle hug. “God made you, and He loves you very, very much. You are part of His perfect family, and He is our perfect Father.”
Themba smiled big, feeling warm inside. “Why did He make me, Daddy?” he asked. His father smiled and said, “God has a special plan just for you, Themba. One day, you’ll do wonderful things and make the world a little brighter. You will love and help those around you. And as you grow, you’ll always be a part of God’s family.”
Themba looked at the tree again, feeling safe and loved. “Thank you, God,” he whispered, “for making me, for loving me, for having a special plan for my life, and for being my Father.”
As they sat quietly under the big tree, Themba knew he was part of something amazing – God’s family – and that God had a wonderful plan just for him.
1 Opening
Do you have a favourite Bible story? Can you name it? The Bible is a wonderful book that was inspired by God. In this book we can find out who God is, who we are and where we belong. Everything in the Bible is true. Let’s read the Bible story.
2 Discovery
Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?
Yes, we talked about little Themba and his father sitting under a tree. Let’s read the story again.
What is your favourite part of the story?
Who is reading the book?
Let’s count the children. Do you see anyone who looks like you?
3 Retell
Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story).
Who made you?
How does He feel about you?
How does that make you feel?
4 Value
This week we’ve been talking about how God made you because He has a special plan for your life. You will make the world a brighter place by loving and helping those around you. How can you show someone you love them?
God also made you part of His family. How do you feel knowing that you are part of God’s family? Let us pray and thank God, just like Themba did: “Thank you, God for making me, for loving me, that You have a special plan for my life, and for being my Father. Amen.”
5 Activity
In our Bible story this week we’ve been talking about how God made us, loves us and has a special plan for our lives. Today we will make something to remind us of that.
Cut a heart-shaped piece of paper for each child. Hand the paper and crayons or markers out to each child and ask them to draw themselves in the heart. Also let the children chant the phrase: “God made me, God loves me, God has a plan for my life”.