Theme: Shapes and numbers all around us

Bible Story: The 10 plagues

Value: Be obedient

The 10 plagues

God’s people, the Israelites, lived in Egypt, where they were treated very badly. God loved His people and sent a man called Moses to set them free.

Moses told Pharaoh, the king, to let God’s people go. But Pharaoh said, “No!” God wanted Pharaoh to learn to listen and obey Him. So, God sent 10 plagues.

First, God turned the water into blood, so that no one could drink it. But Pharaoh didn’t listen. Second, God sent frogs hopping everywhere — on tables, beds, and even Pharaoh’s chair! Still, Pharaoh said, “No!”

Third came pesky gnats and fourth came flies. They buzzed and bothered everyone. But Pharaoh’s heart was stubborn. He wouldn’t obey.

Fifth, all the animals got sick and sixth, all the people had itchy sores all over their body. Seventh, God sent hail and lightning to destroy their crops. Pharaoh was scared, but still wouldn’t let the people go.

Eighth, locusts came, eating up all the plants, and then ninth darkness covered the land for three days. It was very scary. But Pharaoh still didn’t obey God.

Finally, God sent the tenth and saddest plague. The oldest child in each Egyptian family was taken away. Only then did Pharaoh obey God and say to the Israelites, “Go!” Moses then led the people out of Egypt, safe and free.

(Exodus 7-11)


  1. Opening

Let’s count to 10! Can you show me your 10 fingers? And your 10 toes?

Today we will read about a disobedient king and 10 bad things that happened to his country. Let’s read the Bible story.


  1. Discovery

Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?

Yes, we talked about how God sent the 10 plagues to persuade Pharaoh to let His people go. Let’s read the story again.

Which plague would be the worst for you?

How did the people in Egypt feel every time there was a new plague?


  1. Retell

Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story).

What command did God give to Pharaoh?

What happened when Pharaoh wouldn’t let the people go?

What happened when Pharaoh decided to obey God?


  1. Value

This week we talked about how Pharaoh disobeyed God and how things just got worse.

Listening and obeying God is very important. God gives us rules because He wants to keep us safe. Our teachers and parents also give us rules. When we don’t obey them, there are always consequences, just like the plagues that came when Pharaoh was disobedient.

What are some of the rules that you need to obey every day?

What happens when you are not obedient?


  1. Activity

In our Bible story this week we learned that it is always best to be obedient to God, our teachers and parents. There are always consequences when we disobey them, just like when the plagues came when Pharaoh would not obey.

(Let the children take turns acting out the different plagues, for example jumping like frogs, buzzing like flies, pretending to itch and closing their eyes as if it were dark.)