Theme: Make good life choices

Bible story: Adam and Eve’s bad choice

Value: Make good choices

Adam and Eve’s bad choice

In the beginning, God created the wonderful earth and everything on it. God made a man named Adam and a woman named Eve, to live in a beautiful garden, called the Garden of Eden. They were happy! They could play, explore and eat the delicious fruits from all the trees – except one. God told them, “You must not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.”

One day, a snake came to Eve. “Did God really say you shouldn’t eat from that tree?” he asked. Eve replied, “Yes, we can eat the fruit from all the trees, but not that one.” The snake said, “Nothing will happen to you if you eat the fruit! Eating it will make you clever, like God!”

Eve thought about it and chose to eat the fruit. She gave some to Adam, and he ate it too. Suddenly, they felt scared and sad. They had made a wrong choice and disobeyed God. They sinned.

When God found them, He asked, “Did you eat from the tree?” Adam and Eve said yes and admitted their mistake. Because they disobeyed God, they had to leave the beautiful garden.

But God still loved them! Even though Adam and Eve sinned, God had a wonderful plan to help everyone. He promised one day to send someone special to make everything right again. But more about that later …

(Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-24)


  1. Opening

Let’s play a game to see what you like more: Blue or pink? Eating a banana or eating ice cream? Brushing your teeth or washing your hands? Hugging a friend or kicking a friend? We make choices every day! Some are good choices and other are bad choices.

Today we will read about Adam and Eve who made a very bad choice. Let’s read the Bible story.


  1. Discovery

Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?

Yes, we talked about the bad choice that Adam and Eve made. Let’s read the story again.

What is your favourite part of the story?

Can you tell me what you see in the picture?

Let’s count the fruit in the tree.


  1. Retell

Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story).

What in the story made you feel sad?

What made you feel happy?

What is another word for doing bad things and disobeying God? (sin)

How do you think God feels when you sin?

How does He feel when you do good things?


  1. Value

This week we’ve been talking about how Adam and Eve made a very bad choice and disobeyed God.

In the Bible God teaches us what is right and wrong. Our parents and teachers also give us rules to help us know what the right thing is to do. But God didn’t make us like robots. He wants us to love and obey Him by making good choices.

What is one good thing that you can do today to obey God?


  1. Activity

In our Bible story this week we learned that God loves us. But He also wants us to love Him back by being obedient and making the right choices.

Can you help me make good choices?

(Name examples of good behaviour and bad behaviour. If you name a good behaviour, let the children shout “Yes!” If it is a bad behaviour, let them shout “No!”)