Theme: Feelings and emotions: Children’s rights
Bible Story: The story of the kind man
Value: Love and help others
The story of the kind man
One day Jesus was teaching people about loving God and loving others. Someone asked, “Who should we show love to?”
Jesus told a story about a man who was walking along a road when some robbers jumped out and hurt him. They took everything he had and ran away, leaving him lying on the ground. The man was hurt and needed help.
As he was lying there, he heard footsteps and thought, “Someone is coming to help me!” But instead of helping, the person quickly walked past. Then, another man came along. He also saw the hurt man, but walked away without helping.
Then, a Samaritan man came down the road. People didn’t expect Samaritans to help, but this man stopped. He felt sorry for the hurt man. He gently bandaged his wounds, put him on his donkey and took him to a safe place to rest. He even paid for someone to take care of the man until he got better.
When Jesus finished telling this story, he asked the people, “Which of these three men showed love to the man who was hurt?” They answered, “The one who helped the hurt man.” Then Jesus said, “Go and show love to others, just like the Samaritan did.”
(Luke 10:25-37)
- Opening
Can you name some of your friends? What types of games do you play? Most of the time it’s easy to be nice to our friends.
But today we will read about a kind man who helped someone who wasn’t his friend. Let’s read the Bible story.
- Discovery
Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?
Yes, we talked about the kind man who helped the man who was hurt. Let’s read the story again.
What is your favourite part of the story?
Who do you see in the picture?
- Retell
Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story).
Did the kind man know the hurt man?
Why do you think the kind man helped him?
Have you ever gotten hurt or needed help?
How did it feel when someone helped you?
- Value
This week we’ve been talking about the kind man who helped the man who was hurt. God loves you and He made you. But He also made everyone else around you. He loves them just as much as He loves you. He also wants you to show love and kindness to anyone who needs your help – not only your own friends or family.
Do you only need to love people you know?
How can you show love and kindness to people around you?
- Activity
In our story this week, Jesus told the story of the kind man who helped a man he didn’t know. Let’s make something to remind us to love and help others.
(Make a simple craft by tracing the child’s hand on a sheet of paper. Draw or cut and paste a heart in the middle of the hand. As you do the craft, remind them that they can show love to others by helping them.)