Theme: My senses: Sight and sound
Bible Story: Jesus heals the blind man
Value: Trust in God’s healing
Jesus heals the blind man
Jesus, the Son of God, did many wonderful things when He was on earth. He healed people who were sick and fed lots of hungry people.
One day, Jesus was walking with His friends when they saw a man who could not see. He had been blind ever since he was a little baby. The man heard Jesus walking closer and hoped something wonderful might happen.
Do you know what Jesus did then? He gently spit on the ground, made a bit of mud with His hands and put it on the man’s eyes. Jesus told the man, “Go and wash your eyes in the pool of Siloam.”
The man trusted Jesus. He went to the pool, washed his eyes, and suddenly he could see! Colours, light, people – everything was new and beautiful. Everyone was amazed! They couldn’t believe the blind man could see. The man was so happy and grateful to Jesus and told everyone about the miracle.
Jesus showed that God is loving and powerful. We can trust God to help us, just like He helped the blind man see again.
(John 9:1-12)
- Opening
Close your eyes. What do you see? With your eyes closed, think about things you do every day. Would it be easy or hard to put on your clothes without being able to see? Or eat breakfast? Or brush your teeth? Now open your eyes.
Today we will learn about a man who was born blind. Let’s read the Bible story.
- Discovery
Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?
Yes, we talked about how Jesus healed a blind man. Let’s read the Bible story again.
What is your favourite part of the story?
Who do you see in the picture?
What did Jesus use to heal the blind man’s eyes?
- Retell
Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story.)
Have you ever been sick or hurt? Tell me about it.
How did it make you feel?
How do you think the man felt when he could see for the first time?
- Value
This week we’ve been talking about how Jesus did an amazing thing when He made the blind man see. Sometimes we are hurt or sick. Sometimes we feel sad or worried. When you feel that way, you can always ask God to help you. He loves you and can do amazing things when you trust Him. He can help you and heal your body.
How do you feel knowing that God wants to help you?
Are you feeling hurt, worried or sick?
Let’s pray and thank God that He is always ready to help us.
- Activity
In our Bible story this week, we learned that we can always trust Jesus to help us and to heal our bodies. Now, let’s see what it would have been like for the blind man not to see. How well can you guess?
(Before class, place familiar objects in a bag, like a toy car, a crayon, small stuffed toy, etc. Take turns blindfolding the children. Let them place their hand in the bag and guess what object they have in their hand without taking it out. Let them take off the blindfold and see what it is. Explain how hard it was for the blind man not to see, but how Jesus healed him so that he could see.)