Theme: Energy: electricity and lighting
Bible Story: You are the light of the world
Value: Love and help others
You are the light of the world
Jesus, the Son of God, did many wonderful things when He was on earth. He healed people who were sick, made blind people see and fed lots of hungry people.
One day, Jesus said, “You are the light of the world! No one hides a lamp under a basket. They put it on a table so it lights up the whole house. In the same way, you should let your light shine wherever you go, so that people will see it and praise God.”
Just like a bright lamp helps everyone see in the dark, we can make the world a happier place if we love others, are kind to others and help them.
Jesus showed us how to shine. He loved everyone and helped people. One day, Jesus said, “I am the Light of the World. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness.” When we stay close to Jesus and do what He teaches us, we can become lights too!
God loves it when we share His love. So today, be the bright light that shows everyone how good it is to love and help others.
(Matthew 5:14-16; John 8:12)
- Opening
Let’s close our eyes … what do you see? How do you feel in the dark? What can we use to see better at night? God talks about light in the Bible too!
Today we will read a story about a special light. Let’s read the Bible story.
- Discovery
Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?
Yes, we talked about being the light of the world. Let’s read the story again.
What is your favourite part of the story?
What do you see in the picture?
Can you show me where it is dark?
And where it is light?
- Retell
Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story).
What did Jesus say we are in the world?
How do you feel when you are in the dark and someone switches on a light?
How do you feel when someone is kind to you and helps you?
Who showed us how to be the light?
- Value
This week we’ve been talking about how Jesus came to the world to show us how to love God and love others.
How can you shine your light?
Yes, when we follow Jesus, we will start shining our own light by loving others, being kind, sharing with friends and helping people. When we do this, people feel happy and loved. We also get to share a little bit of God’s love with them.
What will you do today to show love and kindness to someone?
- Activity
In our Bible story this week we learned that we can be a light to the world by loving others and being kind to them. Now, let’s do something fun!
(Take turns blindfolding a child and have another child lead him/her around tables or chairs to a light switch, or where you have placed a small lamp. When they reach it, let the child take off the blindfold and turn on the light. Explain that when we love and help others, we are leading them to Jesus, who brings light and love to the world.)