Theme: Transport: Air

Bible Story: Elijah and the birds

Value: Trust in God’s provision

Elijah and the birds

In the Bible we learn about a man named Elijah. He loved God with all his heart and trusted Him completely. He was a prophet, which means that he was God’s special messenger.

One day, God sent Elijah to tell the evil king Ahab that there would be no rain for many months. This was not good news. All the plants would die, and they wouldn’t have any water to drink. King Ahab was so angry about this bad news that he wanted to hurt Elijah!

But God had a special plan to protect Elijah. He sent Elijah to hide in a faraway place. It was in the mountains with just a little water stream and no food or people nearby. It was scary, but Elijah trusted God to provide for him.

And God did! Every morning and evening, ravens (big black birds) came to Elijah, carrying bread and meat in their claws and beaks. Elijah was amazed! Even though there was a drought, God still provided for him. He knew that God loved him and would care for him, no matter what.

Later on, God did wonderful things through Elijah, because Elijah was obedient and trusted God to protect him and provide for him.

(1 Kings 17:1-6)


  1. Opening

Have you ever felt really hungry? What did it feel like?

Today we will learn about a man named Elijah who had to go to a place where there was no food. Let’s read the Bible story.


  1. Discovery

Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday?

Yes, we talked about Elijah and the birds. Let’s read the Bible story again.

What is your favourite part of the story?

How many birds do you see in the picture?

What do they carry in their claws?


  1. Retell

Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story.)

Why did Elijah have to go to the faraway place?

How do you think Elijah felt?

How did God provide for Elijah?


  1. Value

This week we’ve been talking about how Elijah had to go to a faraway place where there was no food. Elijah must have been a little scared. But he still trusted that God would provide, and God did!

Just like Elijah, we sometimes worry or feel scared. When we do, we can just ask God to help us, and He will always be there to help us and provide for us.

Can you think of some of the ways in which God looks after you every day?

Are you worried or scared about anything? Let’s pray and ask God to help.


  1. Activity

In our story this week we learned that amazing things happen when we trust in God’s provision.

(Go to a nearby park or your lawn and throw birdseed to feed the birds in your area. For an indoor activity, break crackers or bread into pieces and let the children feed them to one another, just as the birds fed Elijah. Talk about how God provides us with food, water and a home every day.)