Theme: Opposites

Bible Story: David and Goliath

Value: Trust in God’s protection

David and Goliath

In the Bible we learn about a young boy named David. David took care of sheep and loved God with all his heart.

One day, the Philistines fought against God’s people, the Israelites. One of them was a giant named Goliath. He was big and strong and said bad things about God. No one was brave enough to fight him.

But David was not afraid. He knew God would protect him. “I will fight Goliath!” David said. The king was surprised, but let him go. David did not wear heavy armour or use a sword. He picked up five smooth stones and carried his sling.

Goliath laughed when he saw little David. “You cannot fight me!” the giant said. But David trusted God. He placed a stone in his sling, swung it around, and let it fly. The stone hit Goliath right on his forehead, and the giant fell to the ground!

Everyone cheered, and David was the hero. David showed everyone that trusting in God’s protection is stronger than any giant. God helped David win because David believed in Him.

(1 Samuel 17)


  1. Opening

Can you show me how tall a giant is? (Show that a giant is taller than the door) Wow, that’s really tall! Much taller than you and me.

Today we will learn about a little boy and a big giant. Let’s read the Bible story.


  1. Discovery

Can you remember the story that you heard yesterday? Yes, we talked about little David and big Goliath. Let’s read the Bible story again.

What is your favourite part of the story?

Can you show me which one in the picture is little David? And which one is big Goliath?


  1. Retell

Can you tell me what happened in our story yesterday? (Ask leading questions and guide the child using the picture and story.)

How did all the people feel when they saw Goliath?

When do you feel scared?

Why was David not scared?


  1. Value

This week we’ve been talking about how little David defeated big Goliath. David was very brave when he fought against Goliath. He trusted that God would help him and protect him.

You can be brave like David too! No matter how big your problem is, God is always with you and will protect you!

Are you feeling worried or scared about anything? Let’s pray and ask God to help you.


  1. Activity

In our story this week we learned that we can be brave just like David when he stood up to Goliath. Today we’re going to paint some rocks, just like the one that David used to beat Goliath.

(Hand each child a rock and paints to decorate it. As they paint, talk about how brave David was when he trusted in God. God protected David and helped him. God helps and protects us too!)